I am using the Simple front end approach without annotations.

<simple:server id="Test" address="/hello"
   serviceBean="#helloService" serviceClass="com.test.Hello">

I think the problem is in the SpringBus. The CXFServlet does not seem to
have access to the ApplicationContext I have loaded using the
ContextLoaderLister in the web.xml

Is there some additional configuration required?


On 7/17/07, Jiang, Ning (Willem) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I think you could try to use the endpoint's attribute implementor.
It should be workable with the # convention.
Here is an example for it
<jaxws:endpoint id="endpoint1"


-----Original Message-----
From: Jacob Marcus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tue 7/17/2007 21:59
To: cxf-user@incubator.apache.org
Subject: How can cxf.xml refer to beans defined in the application
context? (Xfire to CXF migration)

Hi all,

I am an xfire user who is used to the xfire services.xml. I am now porting
the services.xml to cxf.xml and have it working for a simple 'Hello World'

I have a requirement to refer to beans defined else where in the cxf.xml.
XFire used to let me do this using the # convention.

Example : <serviceBean>#ihelloService</serviceBean>.

I tried a similar approach with cxf.  However, it cannot find the bean.
anybody tried this? Is this approach supported in cxf?


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