On Sat, Mar 22, 2008 at 10:47 PM, Glen Mazza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm not sure, but I think you're trying to create a dynamic client which
> is unfortunately not working for you.  Hopefully someone else can answer
> your specific question on this, but in the meantime, you might wish to
> try the more traditional route of getting the WSDL and XSD's on your
> machine locally, running wsdl2java and then coding your SOAP client
> using the wsdl2java artifacts generated, similar to here[1].  Once done,
> any missing XSD's from the server should no longer be a concern for you.

But it is a concern. I have the generated service stubs, but if I create the
service by specifying the the server url (Service.create(new
it'll try to fetch the xsds and fails because of that. The same doesn't
happen if I point to a wsdl from classpath. I need to be able to specify the
service location in code, and obviously I can add a new service port
dynamically (Service.addPort) to make it work. But that's not the point; I
believe the spec says the schemaLocation is only a hint and furthermore, I
should be able to use the service without forced validation, don't you


Am Samstag, den 22.03.2008, 16:28 -0700 schrieb Kalle Korhonen:
> > Hello cxfers,
> >
> > I'm trying to consume some web service with jaxws/cxf. I use
> Service.create(new
> > URL("http://some.server/service?wsdl";), SERVICE_NAME). The service's
> wsdl
> > imports xsd with a relative schemaLocation (e.g xsd:import
> > namespace="servicens" schemaLocation="servicens.xsd") , but the .xsds
> are
> > not available through the server (from http://some.server/servicens.xsd),
> so
> > constructing the service (client) fails with FileNotFoundException. I
> have
> > the xsds but I don't know how to tell cxf's servicefactory where the
> xsds
> > are located. I've seen quite a few other threads on the list related to
> > resolving references to xsds but the service is not mine so I cannot
> change
> > the references or make the xsds available on the server. If I point to a
> > local wsdl, the service factory doesn't even try to resolve the schemas;
> > probably because it's setting the validation off, but I don't know how
> to
> > control that. Anybody able to help me?
> >
> > Kalle

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