On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 1:00 PM, Kalle Korhonen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Sun, Mar 23, 2008 at 7:57 PM, Jervis Liu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 5:39 AM, Kalle Korhonen <
> > > On Sat, Mar 22, 2008 at 10:47 PM, Glen Mazza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > > machine locally, running wsdl2java and then coding your SOAP client
> > > > using the wsdl2java artifacts generated, similar to here[1].  Once
> > done,
> > > > any missing XSD's from the server should no longer be a concern for
> > you.
> > > But it is a concern. I have the generated service stubs, but if I
> create
> > > service by specifying the the server url (Service.create(new
> > > URL("http://<http://some.server/service?wsdl>..."),
> > > it'll try to fetch the xsds and fails because of that. The same
> doesn't
> > > happen if I point to a wsdl from classpath. I need to be able to
> specify
> > > the
> > > service location in code,
> >
> > You've got it almost right. You need to point your client to use a local
> > copy of wsdl file and xsds etc. But you do not need to hard code the
> wsdl
> > location in your client. Take a look into any CXF sample, for example,
> > samples\hello_world. You can see the WSDL location is passed in from
> > command
> > line or from ant script as below:
> >
> I think you misunderstood what we are talking about here; not the the wsdl
> location but the location of the service (port) (and originally, how
> references to imported resources can and should be resolved).

I thought the problem you ran into is that the service your client wants to
consume somehow does not come with xsds. Then you work around this by using
a local copy of WSDL and xsds. You do not need to reset endpoint address as
long as you have set it correclty in your local WSDL, e.g "<http:address
location="http://localhost:9000/XMLService/XMLPort"/>". In case you want to
override endpoint address, you can use ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY as this is
the most standard way to do it.

Another thing is that I dont think you need to use Service.create(new
URL("http://<http://some.server/service?wsdl>..."). You have run wsdltojava
to generate client stubs, havent you? A concrete service implementation
class should have been generated by wsdltojava (per JAX-WS 2.1 spec,
Static case), its easier to use this class directly instead of using
Service.create(). eg:

        StockQuoteService ss = new StockQuoteService(wsdlURL, serviceQname);
        Greeter port = ss.getSoapPort();

other than
        Service ss = Service.create(new URL("http://<
http://some.server/service?wsdl>", serviceQname);
        Greeter port = (Greeter)ss.getPort(....);

Having said that, the StockQuoteService indeed calls Service.create(...)
internally. So if you really want to use Service.create(...) direclty, just
make sure you provide it with a local copy of wsdl, also make sure the
endpoint address in your local wsdl is correct.


> Kalle

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