Am Mittwoch, den 16.04.2008, 05:32 -0400 schrieb Arundel, Donal:

> >Is it possible to either specify directly that all certificates should
> be
> >accepted, or register your own TrustManager implementation which does
> >exactly that? This last case would also be useful for implementing more
> >strict checks that just comparing with a certificate store.
> I believe it is, I haven't done it myself though and don't have the API
> details to hand.
> If I get a chance later today I will see if I can root them out for you.

The configurable options are the "here" and "here" here:{{tlsClientParameters}}element

(Sorry, tinyurl doesn't seem to work with anchors...)

I think you will want to set the TrustManager in the first "here"
similar to something like this:

Probably also you will need to activate disableCNCheck as indicated


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