Hi Leos,

Please see my comments in the mail.


thank you for your message. Especially the note about FQCN for Endpoint is 
crucial for me! Can somebody update 
http://cwiki.apache.org/CXF20DOC/servlet-transport.html ?
Sure, I will take care of it.
After, I configured CXFNonSpringServlet on my web.xml file and then I had
setup a Servlet (it could be a filter as well) with loadonstartup to
register the Services I had using: Endpoint.publish. Be careful not to
import the wrong Endpoint (right one is from: javax.xml.ws) class.

Please put snippet, how to configure the Bus (setup the servlet). The web.xml 
part is clear:

    <display-name>CXF Servlet</display-name>


But how to manage this part?

// cxf is the instance of the CXFServlet
Bus bus = cxf.getBus();
BusFactory.setDefaultBus(bus); How have you solved it? Or is it set up behind the scene automatically in 2.0.5 release?
Basically, you can extends the CXFNonSpringServlet[1] and the setup default Bus part before you call the endpoint.publish And you also need to change the web.xml's <servlet-class> with your extended servlet :)

Thank you



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