Hi all, this was so easy in XFire with the handlers.  I am a bit struggling due 
to lack of clear examples.  I am trying to write a simple interceptor on the 
client side (am not clear on which abstractInterceptor to extend out of several 
available in cxf, so in this example I just extended AbstractSoapInterceptor) 
so that I can send some parameters in the soap headers.  Here is what I 
did:public class AddHeaderInterceptor extends AbstractSoapInterceptor {  public 
AddHeaderInterceptor() {        super(Phase.WRITE);  }  public void 
handleMessage(SoapMessage msg) throws SoapFault {     Document d = 
DOMUtils.createDocument();     Element param1 = d.createElement("my_param1");   
  param1.setTextContent("my param1");     SoapHeader sh_param1 = new 
SoapHeader(new QName("http://spring.demo";, "HelloWorldImplPort"), param1);      
msg.getHeaders().add( sh_param1 );  }}Then I attached the interceptor to the 
factory in the actual client code:                JaxWsProxyFactoryBean factory 
= new JaxWsProxyFactoryBean();                factory.setServiceClass( 
HelloWorld.class );                factory.setAddress( 
"http://wsdev.adestagroup.com/services/HelloWorld"; );                
factory.getOutInterceptors().add(new AddHeaderInterceptor());    
//<<-------------------                HelloWorld client = (HelloWorld) 
factory.create();                                System.out.println( 
client.sayHi("test") );But I can't seem to intercept the headers at the server 
side.  What am I doing wrong here?Highly appreciate any help. Thanks
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