"California and the West; Interagency Lab Targets Digital
Evidence; Crime: FBI Chief Freeh Says Nation's First Regional
Computer Forensics Facility Will Serve as Prototype" 
Los Angeles Times (11/15/00) P. 1-3; Perry, Tony 

FBI Director Louis Freeh presided over the recent dedication
of the country's first interagency forensics laboratory for
the collection and analysis of digital evidence. Serving the
western United States, the San Diego laboratory employs
professionals from 17 federal, state, and local law
enforcement agencies. The use of computers by law enforcement
to track down child pornographers and stock market
manipulators has received a great deal of attention in recent
years, but officials say the lab also gathers and analyzes
evidence in other crimes. "Stalkers, murderers, rapists,
robbers - all kinds of people keep notes, and they tend to
keep them on their computers," said San Diego County District
Attorney Paul Pfingst. The trial of white supremacist
Alexander James Curtis for the harassment of four San Diego
officials may involve evidence gathered from his computers and
Web sites. Law enforcement personnel can also receive evidence
gathering training from the laboratory, including proper
digital evidence removal and security system circumvention.
Local law enforcement has responded eagerly to the lab's
resources; "The day we opened our doors, we were inundated
with cases," said Ken Basore, the lab's operations manager.
Freeh hopes the San Diego lab will become a model for similar
regional efforts. 

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