"Learn to Minimize the Risk of Being Cyberstalked" 
Miami Herald (11/13/00) P. 30; Grossman, Mark 

As computers become an ever-greater presence in peoples'
lives, so does the specter of cyberstalking. The Los Angeles
District Attorney's Office says roughly 20 percent of its
stalking investigations are Internet-related, while the New
York City Police Department estimates that nearly 40 percent
of all its computer-related cases deal with cyberstalking.
Although almost every state has statutes that criminalize
physical stalking, only about half have specific cyberstalking
laws on the books. While some states such as Florida have
written their real-world stalking statutes broadly enough to
apply to cyberspace, many experts believe that specific
Internet-stalking laws need to be created in all states. To
reduce the risk of being stalked in cyberspace, experts warn
that personal information should never be revealed online,
screen names should not give away age or sex, and extreme
caution should be exercised when meeting a cyberfriend in the
real world. The meeting must be held in a very public place
and a friend should be brought along for protection. 

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