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Hackers steal info on Clinton, Gates, others Forum attendees' credit card numbers taken
Copyright 2001 Gannett Company, Inc. USA TODAY
February 6, 2001

Unidentified Web hackers broke into a database maintained by the World Economic Forum, 
the group that just finished hosting its annual summit on global economic trends in 
Davos, Switzerland.They made off with information on thousands of Davos attendees, 
past and present, including Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Yasser Arafat and Shimon Peres.

The hackers, who claimed to a Swiss newspaper that they represent groups allied 
against economic globalization, also captured the credit card numbers of 1,400 regular 
WEF meeting participants.

WEF spokesman Charles McLean says his group has contacted the participants whose 
credit card numbers were compromised.

"We have no idea who did this," he said Monday night. Commenting on reports that the 
hackers had accessed detailed itinerary and contact information about a significant 
number of participants in the most recent meeting, McLean conceded that "there was 
some of that, but what concerned us overwhelmingly was the credit card numbers."

Swiss newspaper Sonntags Zeitung said hackers delivered to the paper last weekend a 
CD-ROM with 161 megabytes of stolen data.

McLean says the hackers tapped into a "remnant database" from last year that had 
collected information from WEF's 10 regional meetings. "The information that they got 
was pre-Davos," he said. It contained the 27,000-person mailing list for World Link, a 
magazine published by the forum. Included were 1,400 credit card numbers.

McLean emphasized that his organization does not "view this as a prank. It's a crime. 
It's something we take very, very seriously."

While there's no proof that it was anti-globalization activists who hacked into the 
database, the possibility appealed to those opposed to WEF positions.

"It's a clever statement on openness and transparency," says Juliette Beck of Global 
Exchange, a human rights organization with a different view of free trade. 
"Anti-globalization activists are Web-savvy, so it doesn't surprise me that someone 
might get the kind of the information that these corporations get on the public and 
disseminate it around the world."

Internet security experts weren't surprised by news of the breach.

"The fact that this organization was compromised doesn't mean there was a problem with 
the Web site," says Tim Belcher, chief technology officer of Riptech. "The hackers 
could have gotten in through one weak link."

"These are the risks people run when they allow their information to be stored on 
someone else's servers," says Ed Stroz of Stroz Associates. "You not only have to make 
sure your computer is secure, but you have to take steps to protect your privacy and 
information when you let it out to others."

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