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Net Terrorism Trap

By RICHARD SISK Daily News Washington Bureau


he Senate plans to push hard to give the FBI tools to "trap and trace" Internet plots 
against the U.S. by Osama Bin Laden and other extremists, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) 
said yesterday.

Schumer's vow came on the heels of a report in USA Today that Bin Laden has been using 
Web sites and chat rooms to convey coded messages and photographs of possible 
terrorism targets to his cohorts.

Bulletin boards carrying pornographic and sports information, which get huge numbers 
of hits, are among the most popular hosts for extremist groups such as Bin Laden's, 
said cyberintelligence expert Ben Venzke.

He cited the example of a picture labeled "blond bombshell" posted on a bulletin board 
that probably would be downloaded by thousands of users unaware of an encrypted 
message hidden in the image.

"We're doing virtually nothing on this," Schumer said.

He said he would co-sponsor a bill with Sen. John Kyl (R-Ariz.) to allow the FBI to 
seek "nationwide trap and trace authority" from a single court order.

The bill, which he said has broad support, would give law enforcement the authority to 
track a suspicious online communication from start to finish without seeking separate 
court orders for each jurisdiction the message travels through, he said.

Original Publication Date: 2/7/01

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