From:   "E.J. Totty", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

        We're laughing at these nutters now, but
will we be in 20 years time I wonder?

        Only if you let them get away with what
they are getting away with now: telling crass lies,
and not being held to strict account for their crimes.

        And, if the mass media takes sympathy upon
them and provide a measure of free advertisement to
their cause by reporting in a positive way, all of their
negative acts, then you can rest assured that in 20 years
time, you won't recognize your nation.

        Those people must at every turn be challenged,
not only as to their acts against others, but also as to their
philosophy, which if evaluated correctly is nothing other
than outright oppression of all thought that runs in
opposition to their own.
        Remember: if they cannot have their way, they
will have your life. If that isn't the epitome of the hypocrite,
I don't know what is.


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