From:   "E.J. Totty", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>Secret Service Takes on School Violence
>Aims to Help Identify Potentially Dangerous Youths
>Aug.  17, 2000
>NEW YORK (AP) -- Long the guardian of America's
>presidents and currency, the Secret Service is extending
>its expertise to a new domain: the nation's schools.
A leading expert on children's mental health, Kevin Dwyer,
questioned whether the Secret Service could effectively shift
its focus from adult crime to student behavior.

"If they all worked together to get rid of guns, we'd be
better off," said Dwyer, a former president of the National
Association of School Psychologists.
        --rest deleted --


        I'm amazed.
        After all the evidence, and the compiled reports,
after all the testimony, after every scrap of information
has been analyzed, scrutinized, and categorized, that
a psychological professional would utter such crap . . .

        The essential truth of a scientific enquiry, is that
if nothing else is discovered, at least every aspect of the
known is found out. Synthesis can determine probable
causation, as long as it is immediately followed up by repeatable
and observable results.
        For him to smugly utter a pointedly personal
opinion as the essential truth of the matter, has got to be the
penultimate reason of why no great progress has been made
over the issue of violent behavior is *some* kids.

        Take the easy way out.
        If you cannot identify a reason for the behavior
of someone, then blame an inanimate object.
        Forgive my stereotyping here, but why is it that
today's professionals in the fields of medicine, psychology and
psychiatry are prone not to endeavor for an in-depth investigation
of cause, but rather are more prone of quote someone else's
work and hype it till the cows come home?
        It's as though these people are more adept at pulling
teats (milking a 'sound good, feel good theory') than at figuring
our what the hell is really coming out of those teats?
        You cannot milk the truth, but you sure as hell can
milk a good lie. Maybe that is the proof of the pudding?


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