From:   "David M", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I did think when they showed the flick knife and
the butterfly knife that was a prime example of
why knife bans are a waste of time.  Flick knives
have been banned for 30 years.

Longer than that I think. I remember going to Lake Como on a school trip in
1964 or 65 and flick knives were certainly illegal in Britain even then.
That didn't stop every boy on the trip bringing home at least one. I
remember standing in a shop agonising over which of three or four flick
knives I should buy with my limited pocket money. In the end I bought a
large (6 inch) one which was subsequently stolen (I suspect by one of my
sisters unsuitable boyfriends) and a smaller one (four inches) which is
probably in the loft at my parents house to this day though with a broken
spring. I seem to remember that with the amount of flicking we did with them
the springs didn't last very long.
Banning something never prevented anyone having it if the want enough. Can
it really be that politicians etc. have so little experience of real life
that they can't see the truth of that?


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