Right, let's settle this matter - a very quick search revealed an interesting 
site ( which suggests it was indeed 
in 1959 that flick-knives were banned, largely as a result of the kind of 
kneejerk moral panic with which shooters are so familiar. The 1959 
Restriction of Offensive Weapons Act is the relevant bit of wisdom. It might 
be interesting - but certainly not very surprising to CS subscribers - to 
investigate the frequency of UK knife attacks in 1959 compared with today. I 
mean, one would expect to find that assaults by knife-wielding criminals were 
virtually unheard of, since the deadly flick-knives were banned forty years 
ago... And I haven't seen a Teddy Boy for yonks, either. Thank God for our 
legislators, I say. God bless 'em.

Anthony Harrison
Okay, so after 40 years Strathclyde Police are still seizing them!


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