Thanks David for the load data, which I'll forward to my chum a.s.a.p.
Don't think me ungrateful, but the MV figures look a trifle modest, which is 
a difficulty my chum has commented upon. I think the problem is that as a 
relatively obscure cartridge published data tend to be very much on the 
conservative side, plus of course there is not a huge variety of the slow 
powders which seem most appropriate for use in it. Personally I'd have 
checked out the load data before choosing this calibre, and gone for 
something in .25, 6mm or even 7mm (lots of really good bullets & powders 
available) instead, like maybe 6mm Rem Ackley Improved or 25-06 ditto.
Baboons have always sounded to me like great quarry for the varmint hunter - 
not big enough to be big game, but not small either, very wary indeed so a 
challenge to one's fieldcraft - and with a whiff of danger too, since they 
can be very nasty if they decide to go for you rather than run away...
My friend spent many years in South Africa and confirms that .22 centrefire 
rounds do not stop baboons reliably - he's also seen one take a solid hit 
from .308 and not go down. You apparently need something flat-shooting, with 
lots of punch from a good frangible bullet to deliver so much shock & damage 
that the critters are knocked out immediately.

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