From:   Don Baldwin, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

><<Are you going to honestly say that British folks on this
>list have as much ability to defend themselves as I do?>>>
>If you want me to, I will. Do you want me to? Or do you want an honest

An honest answer would be nice.

>We don't have the right to use them, so we can't give up something that we
>haven't got.

Maybe people in your country will take it back, eventually.

><<<In contrast, I am able to carry lockback knives at all
>times.  I am able to carry pepper spray at all times.
>I am licensed to carry a concealed handgun.>>>
>I really pity you . I would not want to live in a place where it was
>necessary to carry such an array of weaponry. If you do want to live in such
>a place, then best of luck. I wouldnt like to pay the life insurance. Could
>this be evidence of a different culture?

Hmmm.  Try to think outside of media sound bites for a sec.

Picture a British subject walking down the street and witnessing
a horrible accident.  He rushes over and tries bravely to try
and free the victim before the car bursts into flame.  A stout
knife would enable him to cut the seat belt but he has none.

Another scenario:  the same person is walking with his child
when a pit bull terrier attacks the tyke.  A bit of pepper
spray or a knife could enable him to remove the dog from the
child's throat before the jugular is severed.  Pity - he has

I use a knife 5-10 times a day for much more (thank god)
mundane tasks.  A British subject would be prohibited
from any of these options on the ridiculous premise
that criminals will respect this and refrain from
carrying similar weapons.

I've never had to defend myself or my family from a criminal
but I will ALWAYS reserve the option for myself.  In my
opinion, the martial arts approach of avoiding conflict
but being prepared to go badger is preferable to mindlessly
hoping for the best.

>Do me a favour tho.......grasp this concept........... what you like to do
>in the US of A is not necessarily applicable in the mother country.

Certainly.  Your country has effectively banned self defense
for most but will probably throw its peasants against the
wire the next time the German juggernaut cruises through Belgium
and France.  It treats people on this list like pawns to be
used but which have no rights.

Personally, I have a higher opinion of people on this list
and recommend that they come to the US and reclaim their


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