Though this has cropped up before on the list, the death of the trial judge, 
Sir David Croom-Johnson, produced an interesting obituary in the Telegraph. 
<<...Waldorf had been a passenger in a mini travelling along a street in 
Earl's Court when he was mistaken by the defendants, two detectives from 
Scotland Yard, for a dangerous fugitive. (They) had opened fire, intending as 
they later admitted, to kill him. As Waldorf lay wounded, one of the 
constables struck him across the head. He almost died from his wounds.
Although it transpired during the case that the man for whom the detectives 
had mistaken  Steven Waldorf had never previously attacked them, 
Croom-Johnson said in his summing-up: "Supposing one is threatened, you do 
not have to wait to be struck. If the circumstances are justified, you can 
get your blow in first to prevent attack."
He instructed the jury to put aside their "great sympathy" for Steven 
Waldorf, and reminded them that just because an innocent man had been shot, 
that did not mean a crime had been committed and that someone had to pay. The 
jury found the detectives not guilty.>>
Croom-Johnson is described as a courteous, quietly-spoken man, one who 
commanded minesweepers in WW2 as a Reserve officer, being awarded the DSC 
after notable work in front of the D-Day beaches.
I actually think there is something to be said for his summing-up: accidents 
do happen, and despite our horror at the thought of an innocent man's being 
shot and beaten up by the police, I don't necessarily blame the detectives, 
rash and impetuous though they might seem. What interests me particularly 
here are the judge's words about getting your blow in first, which seem 
significant in relation to self defence, and to contradict what I thought was 
the serious handicap (if faced with the prospect of criminal assault) of not 
being allowed by the law to take pre-emptive action. Any parallel with the 
Tony Martin case here?
Anthony Harrison

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