From:   "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

So I won't be put off from joining the Countryside Alliance march
by imagined threats of retaliation.  The reason I won't be going is
because I'm opposed to fox hunting.  You do what you think's right.

Stuart Heal


I do not especially approve of fox hunting either, but I like the
alternatives even less - i.e. the slaughter of hounds and horses that
would inevitably follow the ban and several thousand people out of work
in areas where other employment opportunities do not exist.

We lost our pistols because the government of the day needed to show to
the electorate that they were going to do something to prevent another
Dunblane.  I firmly believe that even the people of well below average
intelligence knew very well that criminally insane nutters could not be
stopped by regulating the sane, law abiding people, so the media
campaign to vilify pistol shooters had only very limited effect.

Nevertheless, the government proceeded with the ban, because they
thought that that was what the electorate  wanted.  The truth is that
that was not what the electorate wanted, but no one could be bothered to
express that view, so we lost our sport as a direct result of public

And that is what this march is about!  So if you do not wish to be ruled
by the dictatorship of the disinterested majority, register with
Countryside Alliance and go on the march.

We have a load of plonkers in government who will do anything to keep
their jobs, high incomes and aristocratic residences and we have to
teach them a lesson than doing what the majority wants  without ever
taxing their lightweight brains amounts to the oppression of minorities,
which just happens to be their duty to protect!

Please let us know that you are coming,



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