I like Mathew Wright's plan for a united (and unifying) body. But I suspect 
one of the unstated difficulties in the shooting world, in addition to the 
chronic parochialism and dog-in-the-manger attitude of so many Brits, is that 
of social class. Take the CA - I've been to meetings, met CA types, and many 
of them are fine, but at bottom the driving force is clearly hunting. Now 
when I use this word privately I mean pursuing the creatures of the wild with 
rod, gun, or whatever, but in their book "hunting" means sitting on a horse 
and chasing a fox with hounds, and even this piffling matter of terminology 
holds lessons. Talk to them, use the word "hunting" in any sense but their 
own, and observe the bafflement followed by amused condescension: "Oh, you 
mean stalking/vermin control/rabbiting/big-game hunting, old boy!" Study the 
second-hand bookshelves and pick out the books entitled simply "Fishing" - 
open them, and you find they're not actually about fishing, they're 
specifically about fly-fishing for trout and salmon... No other type of 
angling is worthy of consideration. Trivial? Not in the long run: the refusal 
to emerge from the stifling chrysalis of class-conscious sporting tradition 
cripples most efforts to unite different branches of fieldsports and target 
shooting, because for many people the feeling that they are engaged in some 
elite, exclusive activity encased in an ancient web of arcane jargon and 
custom is the main reason they go "stalking" (odd word) or fly-fishing, or 
mole-wrenching, or whatever.
A sadly similar phenomenon exists at the opposite end, as it were. How many 
people have told me of their experiences in air-rifle or smallbore shooting 
clubs, I wonder, when any reference to full-bore pistol or field-shooting has 
been met with slighting references to "cowboys" or "bloodthirsty killing" or 
some such pitiful garbage...
It's difficult to avoid feeling that our society is just too decadent to save 
itself, when shooting enthusiasts of different complexions prefer to wither 
away in their own rapidly-shrinking circles rather than broaden their minds 
and unite in a common cause against the forces of totalitarian bureaucracy 
and suburban intolerance. BTW I read that a further effort to oust the BASC 
supremo is coming up. What do others think of John Wossname? He's always 
appeared to me like a typical CA type - certainly a good communicator, but 
because of his class, social background, schooling etc, he inherently (and 
fatally) believes that if one deals with the political establishment in the 
way that gentlemen have always dealt with one another, a decent compromise 
will emerge. And he lacks the streetfighting killer-instinct to galvanise his 
membership into kicking our political leaders in the groin - then stamping on 
their heads when they fall to the ground yelping. We're engaged in a struggle 
to preserve our way of life and our essential liberties. Trouble is, I 
suspect this is appreciated by too few people in the CA and the BASC. I'll be 
there on March 18th, but the date itself is a cowardly cop-out: it ought to 
be a day or two later, so our Peasants' Revolt can snarl up the Smoke good 
and proper...
Anthony Harrison
I think it's safe to say both BASC and the CA appreciate the situation
we are in.  The CA even have an ad on page 53 of the current edition
of Target Sports pointing out the issue of shooting being progressively


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