From:   Neil Francis, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>a) Just because you find something distasteful is not a good
>enough reason to prevent other people who happen to enjoy that
>activity from engaging in it.

But if - say - 70% of the country find it distasteful - does it become 
reasonable to look at preventing that activity from being engaged in? At 
what time does it become good enough reason to look at?

>b) The perception that hunting is the sole preserve of the
>wealthy is way off the mark. Go to any meet and for every toff on
>horseback you'll see half a dozen scruffy ordinary Joes who are following
>on foot or in their car. I'm a case in point - I've been hunting
>for nearly twenty years yet never once have I ridden to hounds nor have I
>ever had much more than two brass farthings to my name.

Seems to illustrate the original point I was making.

Why have you never ridden? Why do the scruffy ordinary Joes always 
following on foot or in their cars. Why are the scruffy ordinary Joes never 
riding to the hounds?

I put it to you the scruffy ordinary Joes would soon go find something else 
to follow, hence fulfilling their 'follower' needs. So banning hunting 
would only effect the 'toffs' that the original poster remarked on.

Neil Francis
Trowbridge, UK
Simply because people _want_ something banned is never a particularly
good reason to ban something.  There must be a _reason_ to ban it.

As the handgun ban amptly demonstrated.  There was no sensible reason
to ban them so not surprisingly it didn't work.

And then I could start quoting all those quotes about how the majority
is supposed to protect the rights of minorities but rarely do.

Everything is frankly a minority interest, simply because I might
personally not like it isn't a reason to ban it.


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