----- Original Message -----
From: "Corinna Vinschen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> postgreSQL needs cygipc.
> Luckily it's not a *new* packahge :)

Yes! Actually it's postgreSQL and similar that concern me:

postgreSQL needs ipc, but ipc is not a package, and won't be unless the
cygwin IPC  looks waaay to far off (the thought being that having cygipc
in will reduce motivation to 'do the right thing'). But on the other
hand, we can't delay all packages that require IPC can we?

So I'm mainly prompting discussion, hoping we can take what is 'common
sense' now, and provide a reasonable guideline on setup.html, that most
folk here will agree with.

This will give a more solid answer when folk do request things - like
kde/rpm/postgreSQL that have significant requirements.


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