On Mon, Jun 24, 2002 at 12:08:52PM -0400, Charles Wilson wrote:
>Are you considering 'gcc-mingw' to be just those mingw bits necessary 
>for cygwin's gcc to compile mingw programs

gcc-mingw would be the pieces that I mentioned in my message.
Basically, that would be a /usr/i686-pc-mingw32/bin symlink and
/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-mingw32 populated with whatever was needed.

>I like the latter -- but (1) I'm worried about cygwin's ability to 
>self-host if so... and (2) a "real" cross compiler would need its own 
>version of binutils, unless you do clever symlinking things...

This is what I referenced in my original mail.

>IFF Chris is talking about a cross compiler.  I'm not sure he is, yet.

I'm not talking about a real cross compiler.  I've got -mno-cygwin
working pretty well now with relatively minimal changes.  Adding the
'32' on the end really screws up a few things which assumed that
strlen(mingw) < strlen(cygwin) but I'm working through those.


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