Chris, Can you please modify upset (or tell me where to find the current CVS so I can offer a patch) to generate per-version requirements lists in setup.ini? I'm not sure how best to specify such things in setup.hint :[.
This is compatible with the current released setup.exe, and enables per-version requirement tracking in upcoming releases. As an example if gcc-3.1.1-1 has different requirements to gcc-2.95.3-7 you will be able to list them thusly once a new setup is released, and it will 'do the right thing': @ gcc sdesc: "C, C++, Fortran compilers" category: Devel requires: cygwin ash binutils w32api mingw-runtime _update-info-dir version: 2.95.3-5 install: release/gcc/gcc-2.95.3-5.tar.bz2 3537567 c54fb771abf6030a95950906836ea123 source: release/gcc/gcc-2.95.3-5-src.tar.bz2 8507050 e9f16eb8586829c17e1f742e2910228c [test] requires: cygwin ash binutils w32api mingw-runtime _update-info-dir some-extra-package version: 3.1.1-1 install: ....... Rob