On 8/6/2011 11:43 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
Makes sense. If the outline needs to be any brighter, it would need to
be thickened before scaling down.

One way to do this without involving me:

- enlarge the canvas to make room
- right click stroke layer, alpha to selection
- select > grow
- fill selection with stroke color

It doesn't affect the outer glow, but from what you've written, Corinna, that won't matter. You only need to thicken the stroke for the smaller sizes before downsampling.

The terminal icon is attached to this mail.  Downscaling the C to 18x18
and pasting it into the 32x32 terminal outline was a waste of time.

Try compositing the C with the terminal before downsampling. This will allow the C to blend into the background. The smaller C-in-terminal icons in this current version clearly have their borders hand redrawn pixel by pixel. That look is fine when the whole icon is hand-drawn, but it stands out when most of it is antialiased.

Thickening the stroke should avoid the need to redraw the border to make it bright and solid enough. You might need to double its thickness, or more.

Overall, a minor nit.  This is the right path.

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