On 8/5/2011 1:08 PM, Andy Koppe wrote:
I like this a lot. Thanks very much for responding so positively to my whinging.

Let me know if you need to see any other changes.

I think a large part of the problem is tl;dr, and the resultant talking past each other. I know it's true for me.

I've been taking a passive role since you and Corinna took my ball and ran with it, but don't take that to mean you can't ask me for changes. The main thing I need is concrete requests, such as those that lead to the present changes.

I will get back to your comments about the semitransparent Konsole icon edge later. I don't see a fade-out here, no doubt because there's precious little standardization in vector art, SVG notwithstanding. That's one of the reasons I decided to install Inkscape instead of continuing to base my work on SVG art imported into Illustrator then re-exported. I'd bet AI is a lot more powerful, but if it impedes communication...

Besides, PS fanboy though I am, AI fanboy I am not. :)

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