
This is Andy, a member of the Haxe Foundation, which is the
organization behind the Haxe programming language [1].

I would like to maintain a Cygwin package for Haxe. There are some
dependencies not packaged for cygwin, so I am going to package and
maintain them as well.

The first one I worked on is mbed TLS [2], and the cygport file I
created can be found at:

It would be great if you can review and let me know if it is up to
standard for inclusion in the cygwin.com archive. Please bear with me
if there is any silly mistake since this is my first time packaging
for Cygwin.
FYI, here are the Debian and Fedora packages:
 * https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/collab-maint/mbedtls.git/tree/debian
 * http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/cgit/rpms/mbedtls.git/tree/mbedtls.spec

Best regards,

[1]: https://haxe.org/
[2]: https://tls.mbed.org/

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