On 29/04/2017 09:26, Andy Li wrote:
Thanks for the review!

please no TOFU

(I know it is common use in company mails, but we prefer a clean reply)

I've just updated the cygport file as suggested:

 * moved the dll files to /usr/bin
 * use DIFF_EXCLUDES to exclude the source changes during building
apidoc and tests
 * do not build/install the programs, which are indeed just demos
according to https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbedtls#example-programs

Let me know if there is anything that can improve :)

Best regards,

GTG for me.

Please follow https://cygwin.com/package-upload.html
for next step.

Only one test is failing on both architecture,
but is not a blocking point

$ PATH=/pub/temp/mbedtls-2.4.2-1.x86_64/build/library:$PATH ./test_suite_timing.exe -v Timing selftest ................................................... TIMING tests note: will take some time!
  TIMING test #1 (set_alarm / get_timer): passed
  TIMING test #2 (set/get_delay        ): failed
  mbedtls_timing_self_test( 1 ) == 0
at line 13, /cygdrive/e/cyg_pub/temp/mbedtls-2.4.2-1.x86_64/src/mbedtls-2.4.2/tests/suites/test_suite_timing.function


FAILED (0 / 1 tests (0 skipped))


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