On 2018-07-16 08:22, cyg Simple wrote:
> On 7/16/2018 10:02 AM, Stephen John Smoogen wrote:
>> Most of the rsh usage is going to be legacy hardware and systems which
>> various places still have in good numbers. Various industrial and lab
>> components might have been built in 1995 and is slower than your
>> iphone but the replacement costs tens or hundreds of millions of
>> dollars... (and still uses rsh for backwards compatibility). Payroll
>> systems in other places use rsh and rcp and cost large amounts to
>> 'upgrade'. The people running these don't show up mailing lists
>> because they may not even know that the system uses rsh/telnet or some
>> other obscure thing.. they just run a script on a Windows desktop that
>> someone wrote years ago. They only show up when stuff stops working.
> But are those scripts Cygwin?  I doubt they are.  Do you have proof of any?

More likely to be command scripts and NT/XP rcp/rexec/rsh utilities which I
wrote and used in NT/XP days before OpenSSH.
It's more likely those would be replaced in legacy systems with standalone
MinGW/native versions than a suite requiring Cygwin.
As Corinna says that's no reason not to let people shoot themselves in the foot.

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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