On 2021-05-28 12:33, Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-apps wrote:
On 28.05.2021 19:06, Brian Inglis wrote:
Noticing some more libraries used by curl and wget/2 that were outdated
and orphaned, I decided to take a look at building updates and would now
like to adopt them.

The list below shows the distributed packages, links to the Git Cygwin
Package repos (see playground branches), Appveyor CI builds and logs
for those who prefer looking at those, and links to Google drive folders
with all the usual files and archives for others.

I have issues building python2/27/3/36 modules, and/or which to obsolete.

you can drop all.
Python2.7 is dead upstream and Python3.6 will be at end of 2021


I would appreciate advice on how to structure obsoleting the existing packages:


given replacement packages python37-nghttp2 and python38-nghttp2.
I can define all those as empty packages for the proposed release,
but which should obsolete what to get the appropriate replacements?
Should I define the following packages e.g.:

 python2-nghttp2 dummy obsoletes   python-nghttp2
python27-nghttp2 dummy obsoletes  python2-nghttp2
 python3-nghttp2 dummy obsoletes python27-nghttp2
python36-nghttp2 dummy obsoletes  python3-nghttp2
python37-nghttp2 real  obsoletes python36-nghttp2
python38-nghttp2 real  stands alone for now?

Changed maintainership to you (only for them this time)

Thank you very much - appreciate that!
Repology.org dropped the extraneous maintainership adds/removes ;^>

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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