On 09/05/2021 15:40, Jon Turney wrote:
On 17/01/2021 15:33, Adam Dinwoodie wrote:
On Sat, 16 Jan 2021 at 22:31, Ken Brown wrote:
I think these limitations are outweighed by the fact that a Scallywag build is
automatically triggered by a push to an official source repo
(https://cygwin.com/packaging/repos.html).  All maintainers can use this without
any special setup.

That's clearly incredibly valuable, yes. I'm hoping to reduce the
special setup using GitHub Actions requires, but it's clearly going to
require more than zero setup.

I'd rather not be replicating the tooling to do this into every package repository.

All the AppVeyor builds that scallywag does are of the scallywag repository itself, since the AppVeyor API lets me parameterize the build (by the package repository and commit-id)

In a brief investigation, I didn't find anything similar for github actions.

It seems that this has capability been added since the time I checked (the 'repository_dispatch' workflow trigger event).

I've deployed a change which switches the build back-end from AppVeyor to GitHub: This should be faster (as it's not limited to a single job at a time) and more useful (since the job timeout is 6 hours, not 1 hour).

I'd like feedback on what other improvements are needed for this to become the preferable way to build packages.

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