On 2022-05-14 07:09, Jon Turney wrote:
On 07/05/2022 19:52, Brian Inglis wrote:
I would like to offer to package the following projects for Cygwin.
They have been extensively tested on my own system for decades. ;^>
They are offered on the major distros listed below, and the cygport builds are available in my Google Drive folders.

asr-manpages    20000406    alt.sysadmin.recovery manual pages

A set of humorous manual pages developed on alt.sysadmin.recovery
(don't treat them seriously!). Some may be considered non-PC, NSFW, or
offensive. The authors recommend these man pages be installed on every


funny-manpages    2.3    humorous manual pages
A set of miscellaneous humorous manual pages (don't treat
them seriously!). Some may be considered non-PC, NSFW, or offensive.
You've been warned.

Just a question about the package naming: we already have man-pages-{linux,posix} so is there any value in making these consistent?

On the contrary, we really do *NOT* want these confused with documentation, and only PLD Linux uses man-pages-funny, although Debian based distros package man-pages/-linux as manpages.

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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