On 24/10/2022 01:39, Chad Dougherty wrote:
On 2022-10-23 13:31, Adam Dinwoodie wrote:
On Sat, 22 Oct 2022 at 21:59, Chad Dougherty wrote:
I'd like to adopt the lz4 library that is currently listed as orphaned.

I've updated the cygport to the current version, 1.9.4:

I've not tested the actual compilation, but I have done some test
builds, and this all looks good to me!


Looks like 'doc/lz4_manual.html' is created in the source directory by the build.

That should be listed in DIFF_EXCLUDES, and maybe installed to be included in the devel package?

Also, is it expected that I should also take the
mingw64-{i686,x86_64}-lz4 packages too?

AIUI that's preferred but not required; they're separate packages, so
it's entirely possible for them to have separate maintainers.

OK, I updated them here:

I've had less experience with cross-compiling but I think they're correct nevertheless.

You should 'git rm' the patches which are no longer used.

I added these to your authorized packages.


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