Thanks for the detailed explanation. But I think you can avoid even that console for Xserver. I'm starting my Xserver using shortcut with this commandline:

C:\cygwin\bin\cygstart.exe --hide -- bash --login -i -c startx

This way, console window just flashes for a small moment and then it is hidden by cygstart (its '--hide' option).


xinit does 2 things - it launches the X server and then one or more X clients.

If you want to customize the X client part (including the Window Manager), create/modify/edit the file $HOME/.xinitrc.

If you want to customize the X server part, create/modify/edit the file $HOME/.xserverrc.

Alternatively, you can pass command-line options to the X server by specifying them on xinit's command-line after "--". For example, "xinit -- -rootless" will cause XWin to startup in rootless mode.

As for the console window, there is no way to avoid it being there until xinit completes, which doesn't happen until after the X server shuts down. This is really no different than if you use a Windows batchfile to fire up XWin and one or more local X clients. It's a "necessary evil".

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