On 2004.01.30 21:11, Thomas L Roche wrote:

> * is XDMCP The Way (tm) to do this?
> If so, I'm assuming (from traffic on the list) that cygwin supports
> XDMCP, but I'm unclear on
> * How to do it on cygwin? All the howto's I've seen reference Linux,
>   and I'm also a little unclear on what goes on which end.

It's very straightforward. Assuming you have cygwin and xfree installed
on a windows box, you edit C:\cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin\startxdmcp.bat to
have your windows box IP number in DISPLAY and the Linux box IP number

Also make sure /etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf contains


GDM has to run on linux, so you need init to go to level 5.

Then you can run startxdmcp.bat (I have a shortcut for it on my W2K
desktop) to get the login screen for your linux box. Once logged in
you get the full Gnome desktop (or KDE if that's your preference).

Success, Willem Riede.

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