On 2004.01.30 21:11, Thomas L Roche wrote:
>> I'm assuming (from traffic on the list) that cygwin supports XDMCP,
>> but I'm unclear on

>> * How to do it on cygwin? All the howto's I've seen reference
>>   Linux, and I'm also a little unclear on what goes on which end.

Willem Riede <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/30/2004 10:11:59 PM:
> It's very straightforward. Assuming you have cygwin and xfree
> installed on a windows box, you edit
> C:\cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin\startxdmcp.bat to have your windows box IP
> number in DISPLAY and the Linux box IP number in REMOTE_HOST.

OK. BTW, does this mean that this won't work if either is on DHCP?
(Fortunately, for my specific case both have static IP.)

OK, so all I need on the client ... err, server ... err, cygwin side
is just to edit /usr/X11R6/bin/startxdmcp.bat: done. Then I gotta
setup <G|K|X>DM on the ... non-cygwin side:

> Also make sure /etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf contains

> [xdmcp]
> Enable=true

except the box I'm targeting currently only has KDE, so it's
/etc/X11/xdm/xdm-config, and I just need to comment out

!DisplayManager.requestPort:    0

Correct? (But first, I need root to `su` :-)

> GDM has to run on linux, so you need init to go to level 5.

OK. Is there anything else that needs done for KDE?

> Then you can run startxdmcp.bat (I have a shortcut for it on my W2K
> desktop) to get the login screen for your linux box. Once logged in
> you get the full Gnome desktop (or KDE if that's your preference).

Sounds easy! Just gotta get access.

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