
Earle F. Philhower, III wrote:
Hi Danilo,

Subject: Re: Updated: XFree86-[base,xserv]

1) xserv - Cascade Win32 windows when -geometry is
not specified, using CW_USEDEFAULT, instead of always creating at
X(0,0).  (Earle F. Philhower III)

Now all the "secondary windows" (I don't know how they are called) of an application are opened following that criterium, also menus!!!.
For example try to open xterm and to display its menus with Ctrl+mouse button: they open in a cascade fashion (difficult to explain, you must try).

OK, I feel really stupid now.  I did test this locally but not with xterm
menus. I do most of my work in emacs, which seems OK, so didn't notice...

There's a transient property on the window that should be examined
before cascading it, I'll either back out the change or add the transient
property check tonight.

While you are at it, would you mind looking at what happens in emacs when you have set the "Always On Top" flag for a window? The menus in that case briefly popup, then get stuck behind the main emacs window. If you hold the mouse button down and drags it around between a few menus you can eventually get them to stick on top... sounds like all child windows of an "Always On Top" window should also have that flag set. I don't know if that is easy or hard to solve though.


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