It's bad form to talk to yourself, but...

At 06:19 PM 3/17/2004 +0000, Earle wrote:
OK, I feel really stupid now.  I did test this locally but not with xterm
menus. I do most of my work in emacs, which seems OK, so didn't notice...
There's a transient property on the window that should be examined
before cascading it, I'll either back out the change or add the transient
property check tonight.

I've got the fix ready, but it seems is down (www & cvs both) tonight. I'll try again tomorrow morning, but it turned out to be that we have to check for 3 things @ line ~482 of winmultiwindowwindow.c: 1. Not predefined in hints (preplaced w/-geometry or by the app) 2. No WM_TRANSIENT_FOR ATOM attached (for things like splash screens) 3. No pWin->overrideRedirect (undecorated)

Adding those 3 changes makes everything back to hunkey-dorey in emacs,
xterm, xfig, xfontsel, and xemacs.  The main app window is cascaded
but menus aren't touched.

Harold, I'll look at the always-on-top stuff once these are checked in...

-Earle F. Philhower, III
 cdrlabel - ZipLabel - FlpLabel

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