On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi,
>      I got your e-mail through xwin --help
> Sorry to bother you, but I'd like to make you know this problem I encounter
> with xwin
> I launch xwin with the following command line:
> xwin -fp tcp/ -xkblayout it -query
> It connect successfully.
> I need to specify to font provider 'couse I need to launch an application
> that uses fonts installed on the server.
> The problem is that *xwin hangs when my application starts accessing the
> font provider* (My application is rational rose 2003 for linux)

There are other tools for testing the fontserver.

fslsfonts -s tcp/ will list the available fonts
fstobdf  -s tcp/ -fn <fontname> will output the font 
     as bdf font description

Do these applications work as expected?

Have you tried copying the fonts to the local machine. Does it work then?

Some fonts are large and take some time for processing. Maybe the fontserver
is still busy.

> The problem did not occurr with older versions (I can't say the version,
> 'couse xwin --help silently exits).

It prints the output to /tmp/XWin.log
> How can I fix this problem? Is it a bug? Do you know any workaround (it
> would be ok for me to download an older version, but how can I do it?) ?

There is at lease xorg-x11-xwin-6.7.0 available from cygwin setup. Click
on the version number until it changes to 6.7.0

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