Hi Corinna,

does that also mean there's no difference between logging in, as a given
user on a PDC, locally or in the domain?

Bye, Heribert ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Corinna Vinschen [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2002 21:51
> To:   cygwin
> Subject:      Re: Having problems with sshd and user accounts?  1.3.10
> appears to be broken, 1.3.9 fixed it...
        [Heribert]  [snip]

> Unfortunately, this doesn't work on domain controllers.  The reason is
> that when the domain has been created, the SID of the computer is used
> as the SID of the domain.  This means in full consequence that the
> computer has *no* own SID anymore!  It's SID is exclusively used as the
> SID of the domain now.
        [Heribert]  [snip]

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