On Thu, Mar 14, 2002 at 07:42:40PM -0500, Charles Wilson wrote:
>Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc) wrote:
>>Thank goodness someone has found the Cygwin release that's a panacea
>>for all subsequent Cygwin ills! I'd heard B20 touted as this for so
>>long that I was afraid Cygwin would never reach such heights again.
>>Boy am I relieved! I guess there's no need for further Cygwin releases,
>>since 1.3.9 is now the cure all (actually, this makes me wonder why
>>there were any releases after B20....) Anybody have any idea what would
>>be a good use of the newly freed
>>up time of members of this group?


>Although, the XEmacs-centric crowd has been recommending "stay at
>1.3.2" for some time, now.  So unfortunately, 1.3.9 is NOT a complete
>panacea.  We *may* actually have to keep developing cygwin...mebbe
>1.3.11 will be all the juicy goodness of 1.3.2 + 1.3.9, and then we can

Yes.  I've heard that.  They broke something in Xemacs so that it stopped
working with 1.3.3+.

I think it's ttys or maybe processes or something.  There is definitely some
kind of problem there that one of the developers should check into.  I'd
do it but I don't get paid to work on Xemacs!

I hope this helps someone track down the problem, at least.  Unfortunately
I have no more time to help and I only know how to program cygwin, myself,


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