
I have a need for ssmtp to send out a *job completed* email from within a script that is called as an entry in a cron table. I've read all I can from the *Installing and configuring ssmtp* man pages as well as the Knowledgebase and FAQ's on the cygwin site. From what I gather it should be possible to do this.

Admittedly, I am not even close to an expert with sendmail. However, as sendmail is included on my UNIX/linux boxes, I'm stymied on how to get the same functionality out of ssmtp on cygwin.

I've run ssmtp-config and accepted the defaults where indicated. However, when I type *mail* at the command prompt I get *command could not be found*.

All of my single line scripts from linux for simply mailing completion and initilization of processes don't work. I'm getting very confused with the esoteric discussion of ssmtp, it's configuration and getting it to work with something called mutt (?).

All I need is a simple, line by line checklist of things to do to emulate the functionality of sendmail as I described above.

Briefly, the scenario is a cron table entry that calls a script. The script runs a few scp's and then exits. I want it to then send out a *completion* email and exit.

Your time and consideration is appreciated and valued.

Blaine Miller

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