
First of all, let me thank you for your very quick response. I believe we're getting closer.

when I execute: */usr/sbin/ssmtp blaine.mil...@smithmicro.com* I get this for a response...

ssmtp: Cannot open exchange.smsi.com:25

I would guess that either I've got the wrong mailhub name, the wrong port, both are wrong or the mailhub doesn't allow forwarding??? I won't be able to check with the person who runs our mail system until next Wednesday, the 25th.

I'd like to check in with you then just to see if it all works once I have the kinks ironed out.

Thanks for your time, patience and speedy responses...


Pierre A. Humblet wrote:
----- Original Message ----- From: "Blaine Miller" To: <cygwin>
Sent: Friday, August 20, 2010 17:51

| Hello,
| | I have a need for ssmtp to send out a *job completed* email from within | a script that is called as an entry in a cron table. I've read all I can | from the *Installing and configuring ssmtp* man pages as well as the | Knowledgebase and FAQ's on the cygwin site. From what I gather it should | be possible to do this.

Seen from the cron point of view, if the cron job produces any output on stdout
or stderr, the output will be placed in an e-mail sent to you (you can 
configure the
address in the MAILTO variable).
As as recall, the ssmtp-config script will ask you if you want sendmail to 
point to
ssmtp. If you answer yes, cron will use ssmtp to send the e-mail.


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