~> diff -s INTERVAL.pdf /d/INTERVAL.pdf
Files INTERVAL.pdf and /d/INTERVAL.pdf differ
~> diff -s ./INTERVAL.pdf /d/INTERVAL.pdf
Files ./INTERVAL.pdf and /d/INTERVAL.pdf differ
~> diff -s ~/INTERVAL.pdf /d/INTERVAL.pdf
Files /home/user/INTERVAL.pdf and /d/INTERVAL.pdf differ
~> diff -s /home/user/INTERVAL.pdf /d/INTERVAL.pdf
Files /home/user/INTERVAL.pdf and /d/INTERVAL.pdf differ
~> diff -s /m/home/user/INTERVAL.pdf /d/INTERVAL.pdf
Files /m/home/user/INTERVAL.pdf and /d/INTERVAL.pdf are identical

Nothing to do with cygwin1.dll 1.5 to 1.6?

Reverted to [prev] diffutils v.2.8.7-2 and this strange contradiction went away (that is: all files, however accessed, were shown as identical using diff -s, as they should be).

Upgraded, again, to [curr] diffutils v.2.9-1 and the problem came back: identical files were reported to be different, using diff -s.


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