> Nothing to do with cygwin1.dll 1.5 to 1.6?

> Reverted to [prev] diffutils v.2.8.7-2 and
> this strange contradiction went away ...

Not quite. Still with cygwin v.1.6 but having reverted to diffutils v.2.8.7-2 I'm still getting weird responses (though many fewer). The two directories explored below have identical contents, not the 3 differences identified:

~> diff -rq /home /l/home
Files /home/user/sav/bookmarks.html and /l/home/user/sav/bookmarks.html differ Files /home/user/sav/userTheme.Theme and /l/home/user/sav/userTheme.Theme differ Files /home/user/tex/short-math-guide.pdf and /l/home/user/tex/short-math-guide.pdf differ
~> diff -rq /m/home /l/home

If this strange behaviour is not due to recent upgrades of diffutils, then the only other relevant change is possibly to cygwin1.dll.

I have not gone through airport security with my machine, X-rayed it or dropped it in a magnetic field resonator, though I agree this behaviour is suggestive of any or all of these!


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