Warren Young writes:
>> Note that SQLite isn't really designed for concurrent access
>> to the database file from a different process.
> There is a paucity of truth in that statement.

So let me re-formulate that sentence: concurrent access ultimately
relies on the file locking provided by the OS.  The concurrency support
in SQLite is simply to not keep state outside a critical section and
lock the database file exclusively when entering one.

> But, there's only so much SQLite can do to cooperate with the OS's
> locking strategy.  On POSIX systems where SQLite was born, locking is
> mostly advisory and cooperative, whereas Windows gives you mandatory
> locks by default in a lot of cases.  Mandatory locks allow one process
> (e.g. TortoiseSVN) to deny another (e.g. Cygwin svn) the ability to
> change a file, indefinitely.

Cygwin should (and apparently does) abstract away that difference.  But
it seems that the locking strategy might be slightly different between
Win32 and POSIX, triggering a foray into that "disk I/O error" branch.
There may still be a bug some place else, i.e. it may get a timeout
rather than a "file locked" state.  I'll have a look when I find some

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