Achim Gratz <Stromeko <at>> writes:
> I'm not near my work machine, so this is from memory...  the test suite
> requires perl modules I didn't have installed and fails most perl tests
> without them — not too worried about this, will install those later this
> week.

The fail is not due to a module missing, but due to the perl dynaloader not
being able to load the DLL produced by the build.  The error message is not
helpful as there's no reason given for why it couldn't load the DLL.  The file
exists and is readable /executable.  However, LDD gives strange output:

# ldd subversion/bindings/swig/perl/native/blib/arch/auto/SVN/_Core/_Core.dll
        ntdll.dll => /cygdrive/c/Windows/SYSTEM32/ntdll.dll (0x772e0000)
        kernel32.dll => /cygdrive/c/Windows/system32/kernel32.dll (0x75c60000)
        KERNELBASE.dll => /cygdrive/c/Windows/system32/KERNELBASE.dll 
        ??? => ??? (0x587f0000)
        ??? => ??? (0x6c540000)
        ??? => ??? (0x61000000)
        ??? => ??? (0x6b1a0000)
        ??? => ??? (0x615e0000)
        ??? => ??? (0x61ad0000)
        ??? => ??? (0x617d0000)
        ??? => ??? (0x619a0000)
        ??? => ??? (0x617e0000)
        ??? => ??? (0x6c520000)
        ??? => ??? (0x6be20000)
        ??? => ??? (0x6b6a0000)
        ??? => ??? (0x66620000)
        ??? => ??? (0x65030000)
        ??? => ??? (0x64ca0000)
        ??? => ??? (0x60560000)
        ??? => ??? (0x61bf0000)
        ??? => ??? (0x75590000)
        ??? => ??? (0x771d0000)
        ??? => ??? (0x754a0000)

> I've had to comment out the Apache module build since the
> was nowhere to be found and no Cygwin package provides it.

Even with the changes to the build config by Yaakov trying to build the Apache
module fails for me, now with unresolved symbols of the form "_dav_*".  I've
built without mod_dav to work around that.

> The ephemeral rebase option I posted patches for in cygwin-apps should
> help with that.  Since I should have the same problem, I'll see that I
> can adapt the cygport file to use it.

Rebasing does help.  Failing Perl tests aside (which never start due to the
issue outlined above), all further tests so far are pass.  Judging from the
current progress, I'd think tests will run at least for two more hours.


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