
I am currently trying to port Nagios on Cygwin and I'm having a issue (among 
others ^^) when trying to use modules.
Here is how Nagios loads modules :

- Create a temporary file using mkstemp()
- Copy module into this temp file
- Load module from temp file with dlopen()
- Delete temp file (on startup, not when nagios process is terminated)

Here is the problem message :

0 [main] nagios 3624 child_info_fork::abort: unable to map 
XXXXXXXX\var\nagios\spool\checkresults\nebmodE56bUw, Win32 error 126

Sometimes return code(I think this is the return code) is 1 :

1 [main] nagios 2364 child_info_fork::abort: unable to map 
XXXXXXXX\var\nagios\spool\checkresults\nebmodE56bUw, Win32 error 126

The path is the path to the temp file which is deleted...

I'm wondering why fork try to reload the dll from the file while it is already 
loaded in memory.

Cygwin package version : 1.7.15-1

Damien Lenci

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