On 6/28/2012 5:08 AM, Lenci Damien wrote:

I am currently trying to port Nagios on Cygwin and I'm having a issue (among 
others ^^) when trying to use modules.
Here is how Nagios loads modules :

- Create a temporary file using mkstemp()
- Copy module into this temp file
- Load module from temp file with dlopen()
- Delete temp file (on startup, not when nagios process is terminated)

Here is the problem message :

0 [main] nagios 3624 child_info_fork::abort: unable to map 
XXXXXXXX\var\nagios\spool\checkresults\nebmodE56bUw, Win32 error 126

Sometimes return code(I think this is the return code) is 1 :

1 [main] nagios 2364 child_info_fork::abort: unable to map 
XXXXXXXX\var\nagios\spool\checkresults\nebmodE56bUw, Win32 error 126

Looks like fork problems to me.  Perhaps you need to rebase the DLLs you're
building?  See the link below for more info:




A: Yes.
> Q: Are you sure?
>> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
>>> Q: Why is top posting annoying in email?

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