Warren Young writes:
>> Now, if somebody could find out _where_ in SQLite it fails...
> Is it not true that you're the only one in many years of SQLite's
> availability in Cygwin who wanted it compiled the way it currently is?

Well yes, since one couldn't use temporary databases unless you have
administrator rights.  There may be a fix of this going through the
Win32 interfaces as it were, but if there is, it's not easily spottable.

> Since everyone else was apparently happy with it the way it was, and
> the new way is causing problems, I'd say it's up to you to find the
> fix before I give up and release the next version with the compilation
> changes reverted.

This is what I expect you to do and hence the frowny — yet another
package that I have to locally patch.  I can't easily test this myself
since I don't have TortoiseSVN installed and as I said there's too many
places where the error messages could come from, so I'm still hoping
that someone can point to where exactly it's croaking in interaction
with TortoiseSVN.

> Put another way: I have two parties of users, both of whom claim
> SQLite is giving them problems, one a group of size=1, and the other
> group somewhat larger.

I understand.

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