David Rothenberger writes:
> I make two packages, one for 5.10 and one for 5.14. There's a separate
> patch that's required for 5.14. Did you include it? The source package
> for -4 includes it automatically.

Yes, I worked from the -4 package on one machine and the -3 package on
the other.

> There was a problem with the openldap-devel package at one point; it was
> missing lots of things. I had to reinstall it to get the libraries.

Then it was almost certainly this package, which is properly requested
by the .cygport file.

> The tests work for me, but I've never been able to get them to work
> without first installing the newly built packages. The last time I did
> this, I did:
>  1. Do "cygport *.cygport almostall"
>  2. Install the packages.
>  3. Rebase the dll and so files in */build and */inst
>  4. Do "cygport *.cygport check"
> All the tests passed except for a Ruby test (it appeared the output came
> in a different order than expected) and a few Perl tests (it couldn't
> delete a temporary directory).

Ah OK, I tried to do the tests without those packages installed.  Thanks.

+<[Q+ Matrix-12 WAVE#46+305 Neuron microQkb Andromeda XTk Blofeld]>+

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